North Rocks  Postcode
About North Rocks
North Rocks postcode 2151
Total Persons : 7234
Total Males : 3525
Total Femals : 3709
Age Group (0-4 years) : 408
Age Group (5-14 years) 973
65 Years Over:
Median Age of Persons 40
Persons born overseas 2068
Main Country of birth which is not Australia: China
No of people of Main Country of birth which is not Australia : 276
No of People Married : 3608
Married Percentage: 0.616
Labour Force: 3927
Employed Fulltime: 2454
Employed Full Time Percentage: 0.625
Main Occupation: Professionals
Number of Main Occupation: 1096
Main Occupation Percentage: 0.287
Main Industry of Employment: School Education
Main Industry of Employment Numbers: 235
Main Industry of Employment Percentage: 0.062
Median Individual Income ($/Weekly): 609
Median Household Income ($/Weekly) : 1619
Median Family Income ($/Weekly): 1737
Number of Families: 2084
Number of Families With Children: 1183
Total Private Dwellings: 2545
Median Rent ($/Weekly):* 450
Median Housing Loan Repayment ($/Weekly): 1924
Average Household Size: 3
Average Number of Persons Per Bedroom: 1.1
Household Fully Owned Percentage: 0.458
Household Rented Percentage: 0.12
Family Household Percentage: 0.84
North Rocks is a suburb of Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia.

There is a light industrial area towards North Parramatta, which includes industrial businesses such as Unilever and Rexona. (Source: Wiki)
* Median Rent is based on data from the most recent Australian suburb survey.
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